Thursday, December 11, 2008

Much to do, less to say

I realize it's been a great while since I've posted, and I'm disappointed in it. Well, let's see if we can recap fully.

Well, what is likely the most drastic of changes is that I'm out of college. Unfortunately, not by choice. Poor grades have caused me to be suspended for a year, so next winter I can re-apply. It's too bad, but there's not much to do now. I believe that I'll be going to the community college by my home, and hope it's enough to show I'm good enough for university. I doubt I'll apply for classes that could be in my major, since I doubt they would accept the credit as anything but elective, so I'll go for mostly liberal arts, as I can't believe those wouldn't transer to some extent. I'll need to figure out some transportation issues, but I've got a couple of high school friends going there. Now I just need to actually enjoy their company. Ah, the life of the angry cynic is never dull.

So, my best friend is a marine. He's really closer to a brother, mostly from his refusal to leave my house during high school. But, yeah, he joined the marines to support his 2 kids, and he came home from basic training not long ago. They say when you go through basic that you change completely, and that is utter bullshit. The most drastic changes include wearing clothes that aren't torn somewhere, and having a watch. he's already been shipped off to some other training. It's so someone that's not infantry, or field, or whatever it's called, can know how to use big weaponry and fighting and items of that ilk. He may or may not be home for Christmas, which would suck for the kids. He should be home for New Year's Eve, which will be a lot of fun. I'm just going to be happy to have a few days to hang out with him.

With the time off I've gotten, I've been able to work on my comic quite a bit more. I've had the ideas for it bouncing in my head for a while now. A couple years ago, when I was in a movie-making mood, the plot was going to be my first attempt at special effects. Then, realizing it's difficult for a high school freshman to find decent actors, I decided to write a short story, a sort of fan fic with Mario in the main role. Finally, realizing that I would rather show what was going on instead of try to describe in a manner that would make me satisfied, which would have turned out excessively wordy, and with a newfound love of webcomics, I decided that was the way to go. So I sketched and doodled with something to play with. Nothing to much, but I was forming a backstory and characters, a different basis, but never got around to fleshing the whole thing. Only since I've gotten home, with no job and no school to go to, have I put a great deal more thought into it all. I've colored the old drawings I've had done for a while, got myself a cheap Wacom drawing tablet to get used to the idea of not using paper. It's a lot of fun to draw straight into GIMP, and I'm really excited about getting it going. And for those of you wondering what the webcomic is about, sorry, it's not ready yet, and I've had horrible luck with my best ideas becoming someone else's great breakthroughs when I tell someone. But trust me, when it's up, you'll know.

Alright, well, until next time,

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